JD Watches Tubi #8 – Pastacolypse (1/5 Skulls)

Coming in ten days late because I honesty thought I was just not going to do this one. Also because life has been crazy, but when is it not? Anyway, I wasn’t going to say anything about it because, you know, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing. But I found something nice to say, and I pay my debts, even the ones I made up in my own head.
Pastacolypse was written by Matt Maiellaro, the creator of Aqua Teen Hunger Force; and directed by Jason Shwartz, who has directed and/or worked on the animation team for a number of Adult Swim shows, including the aforementioned ATHF. It also features the voice of Dana Snyder, who was the voice of Master Shake on ATHF and, well, we’ll talk about that.
The Tubi synopsis is straight and to the point: “A wild horror-comedy about a billionaire celebrity chef who seeks revenge when a global ban on gluten destroys his life.”
We’re not going to do a spoiler-free/spoiler split on this one because I don’t need it. Anyone who knows the previous work of the creative team behind this film should have a real solid idea of the kind of movie they will get, and whether or not it is for them. I did not know. Had I known, I wouldn’t have watched it. Adult Swim, as a general rule, is not my cup of tea. If you like that, you’ll probably like this. If you don’t, you probably won’t.
A big thing that really got in the way for me, besides just not being my sense of humor at all, is that Snyder does the voice of the celebrity chef, Alfredo Manicotti (alright, that’s a great name) almost exactly like the voice of Master Shake, which was a huge suspension-breaker for me. That said, it’s only 70 minutes, which is nice, but also I still fell asleep three times trying to watch it. On the positive side, the pasta creature designs are pretty cool, and the animated splatter is kinda fun. But that’s all this one did for me. It would have done the same as a two minute short. 1/5 Skulls.
Come back in a couple hours for my review of Harland Manor, which is only three days late, and then I’m caught up!