JD Watches Tubi #4 – Where the Devil Roams (5/5 Skulls)

JD’s rating: 5/5
M’s rating: 4.75/5
Let’s start with a wee bit of business up front. I know this was originally going to be an “in order of release” column, but I’ve decided it doesn’t matter. Each week I am going to just pick a Tubi Original that looks interesting or that I have been eager to see. I’ll do my best to plan ahead and tell you at the end of each write-up what the next film will be. Cool? Cool.
This week’s Tubi Original is Where the Devil Roams, the latest offering from Adams Family Films, who most recently gave us the 2022 Shudder Original, Hellbender (check out our podcast episode HERE). If you’re not familiar, the Adams Family is John Adams, Toby Poser, Zelda Adams, and Lulu Adams, a real life family (dad, mom, and two daughters) who make indie films together. Hellbender is the only other one I have seen so far, and I really enjoyed it. Michelle tells me that their feature previous to it, The Deeper You Dig, is also super good. Anyway, on to business, because business in real easy today.
I’m not going to give you a basic spoiler free description. I’m not going to give you my spoiler free thoughts. I’m not going to summarize the plot in detail. I’m not going to break down my thoughts in detail.
This movie is a goddamned surrealist horror masterpiece. It has a 100% Rotten Tomatoes critics score. You should know absolutely nothing about it when you see it, and you should do that as soon as possible. Where the Devil Roams is retroactively tied with Mark Jenkin‘s Enys Men for my favorite non-Shudder horror film of 2023. 5/5 Skulls. The end.
Next week I’m talking Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism, because Michelle wants to know what I think. Is there a Tubi Original you would like to hear my thoughts on? Let me know on any of our social medias or [email protected]!