JD Watches Tubi #11 – Unborn (3/5 Skulls)

We’re wrappig up our trifecta of Tubi Originals directed by Stephen R. Monroe with Unborn, which was actually the second released of the three. This will be a quick one because, frankly, it’s the same review I’ve done the last two issues.
Here’s your plot description straight from Tubi: “An expecting mother suspects that her unborn baby is possessed by the demonic spirit of her dead mother while her wife questions her unstable state.
Much like the other two Monroe-helmed features, this is perfectly competent but unremarkable. You won’t regret having watched it, but it’s nothing you need to prioritize. 3/5 Skulls.
Warning: we get spoilery from here!
Here’s your plot summary. Rachel and Amber are a couple trying to have a baby, with Rachel being the hopefully pregnant parent. She gets pregnant but things are weird with the baby. They see the face of what they think is her mother in a sonogram. Her OB/GYN gives her a cryptic message and kills himself. Ultimately turns out it’s her grandma, not her mom, who was the head of a weird cult and is trying to bring herself back to life through her great grandchild and will kill anyone to make it happen. Ultimately to save Amber’s life, Rachel makes a deal with the ghost to carry the baby to term and raise it with the ghost inside, and she and Amber go on to start a new branch of the doomsday culy.
It’s a solid premise, if an unfortunately underdeveloped script, much like the previous two films we discussed. They make great use of their location scout to bring a lot of production value, and it’s decently paced. There’s just nothing here that’s going to stick with you. It’s a fast food burger type of film. That’s all.
What’s up next? I have no idea!